Quotables: The Spiritual WildernessIn this wilderness I have learned how to sleep again. I am not alien. The trees I know, tonight I know, the rain I know. I close my eyes and instantly sink into a whole rainy world of which I am a part, and the world goes on with me in it, for I am not alien to it.
* * * How necessary it is for monks to work in the fields, in the rain, in the sun, in the mud, in the clay, in the wind: these are our spiritual directors and our novice-masters. They form our contemplation. They instill us with virtue. They make us as stable as the land we live it. * * *
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Welcome to the TorahTrek eJournal! Here you will find videos, interviews, articles, photos, and educational materials on the interconnections between Judaism, wilderness, spiritual practice and sustainability. Our goal is to support the spiritual/ethical lives of individuals, enliven and strengthen the Jewish community, and promote a sustainable society living in balance with the earth. Explore the eJournal by clicking on the topics below. Please share these resources with your friends! Topics