A New Approach The Making Prayer Real Course curriculum offers an innovative, spiritual dynamics approach to learning prayer and liturgy. Outstanding teachers are brought into the classroom via video, beginning a conversation that challenges students and draws them into dialogue with prayer, the Siddur, their clergy and each other. Skills are emphasized before theology as a workshop atmosphere is cultivated. As students explore numerous traditional and alternative prayer practices, they discover their preferences and abilities, crafting their own relationship to Jewish prayer as individuals and as members of the community.
A Resource-Rich Curriculum The curriculum includes:
Lesson plans with innovative ideas and tested methodologies.
Traditional and alternative prayer practices.
Videos featuring outstanding teachers of Jewish spirituality.
"Conversations" videos for community programming outside of a class on prayer.
Conversations The curriculum includes over 40 five-minute videos useful in many venues beyond a class on prayer, such as adult education classes, Confirmation classes, community retreats, Havurah gatherings, parent meetings, divrei Torah for committee and Board meetings, etc. These videos also answer the need for compelling, accessible Jewish content for clergy-less gatherings. Scroll to the bottom of this page for a list of topics.
Learn More
See the Syllabus page for details on the MPR Course lesson plans and content.