Prayer Talk VideoRabbi Shawn Zevit
Rabbi Shawn Zevit explores the effects of listening to the prayers we pray.
Rabbi Shawn Zevit ( is a spiritual director and trainer of Jewish clergy in spiritual direction, co-director with Rabbi Marcia Prager of the Award-Winning Davvenen Leaders Training Institute
(, a recording and performing artist ( and has been an organizer for over twenty years of Jewish men's programming and retreats; and co-editor with Harry Brod of the just published Brother Keepers: New Perspectives in Jewish Masculinity (Men's Studies Press, 2010,, as well as "Offerings of the Heart: Money and Values in Faith Community" ( and numerous publications on personal, interpersonal, communal and organizational life.
Welcome to the Making Prayer Real eJournal! Edited by Rabbi Mike Comins and sponsored
by the Making Prayer Real Curriculum, the eJournal offers wisdom, tools, and resources on the art of Jewish prayer. Explore the eJournal by clicking on the topics below. Please share these resources with your friends!